I'tikaaf Rules & Regulations
- A registration form must be filled out and submitted to the Imam.
- Registrant must be 16 years old or older to be eligible to participate in I’tikaf.
- Any child / youth under 16 years old MUST have a parent present at all times or child / youth will be asked to leave.
- No buying or selling of any items will be allowed inside the masjid during i'tikaf.
- Lights will be turned off/dimmed for sleeping after Suhur. Please be considerate and do not disturb others who wish to rest by being quiet.
- There will be a quiet time after Taraweeh until Fajr set aside for individual `ibadah and sleeping.
- Participants are not required to sleep, but must remain quiet. Any halaqat or study sessions have to be carried out during the day time. Note that I’tikaf is a personal and not a group endeavor. An individual’s need for quiet time will supersede a group’s need to talk or hold halaqat.
- Those listening to Quran recitation must use an ear-piece or head phones. Cellular phones will only be allowed for emergency use, and must be in silent mode throughout the duration of I’tikaf.
- All participants must keep the masjid area clean, including bathroom facilities.
- Everyone is requested to respect other participants, regardless of age, and make extra effort to make the I’tikaf a good experience for all.
- For those performing sunnah i'tikaf, they must abide by the strict guidelines of i'tikaf.
- ANYONE causing disturbances and interrupting the i'tikaf environment will be asked to leave